Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Well, I was really excited to make this post. Today we went rafting in Pennsylvania. We were fully equipped with a water proof camera but unfortunately it fell off of a helmet and sunk to the river bottom right before a rapid. No pictures, womp. BUT! Chase did swim and run and splash in the water and kept on trying to jump in. He absolutely loved it, I definitely see some more swimming in his future!Packing for the trip!
On our way!

Completely pooped after rafting. :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

New Bed!

Scored an awesome deal and TJ Maxx yesterday. Chase got a brand new bed for $20! Best of all, the cover is removable and washable. If I ever get tired of it, I can just buy another one or make my own!(:

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Last week, Chase was joined by a 2-3 week old kitten! Now he's about 4 weeks old and they're having a blast together.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Water Contest!

We have decided to enter in a contest held by the CowSpotDog Blog.

The theme is water so I have decided to enter pictures from Chase's first bath!

Well he was quite a smelly puppy after digging in the dirt, rolling in mud, and getting all slobbery from playing with other dogs! And so he recieved his first bath, he was clearly not excited at all.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


So we celebrated Chase's first birthday on January 28th! I've come to realize that throughout the past couple months, his coat is coming in beatifully.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So I have not been posting in a while BUT everything is fabulous... sorta.
Last week, Chase was out with another family member and slipped his collar. Of course he was also pulling and I did not want that happeneing again so I bought a gentle leader! It is amazing and immediately stopped/reduced his pulling. Especially with all this ice I could slip on!

(The color of it is fawn!)
So to sum it all up, the gentle leader is a great safe way to prevent your dog from pulling. It does not limit the use of their mouth as you can tell in the pictures.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Today, Chase has just been plain naughty. He slipped out of his collar on a walk and would not come back until he felt like it. That is definitely unsafe and I will be getting him a head collar so that he stops pulling and try to solve the recall problem. Silly booger! -.-

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I know that this is my third post of the day but I can't help but to post the comparison of Chase from when we first adopted him till now!

Little man is all grown up!

Silly Saturday!

Over the last couple of months, Chase has really blossomed into the funniest little dog. Evidence? Oh there is plenty of that!

And the laughter begins, Day 1.

What's that on your nose?

Yes, he is holding an aligator that is the size of him.. they are bestfriends.

Hmmm, what's that?
They're everywhere!
The balloon still wasn't dead!

I guess he likes relaxing in between chairs?
Blog to you later!

Hello There!

This is my first blog post! I guess I don't want to start with anything too serious so how about a timeline from when we first adopted Chase to now?

A couple days after adopting him.

Lion in disguise?

First bath at home. Clean puppy is a happy puppy, despite the long face.(:
Who likes walks? I DO!

I'm outside and I'm running!


My little man!


Well, that's it until our next post.. SILLY SATURDAY!